Monday, 29 December 2014

Special Effect Textures for Exteriors

Exterior walls can also be given character using different textures and designs. These designs and textures not only make a plain wall come alive, they also protect the plaster from wind driven rains and cover fine cracks and dents. They are usually plasters which when applied using a particular technique, produce a textured effect. 

Asian Paints Duracast is a range of special effects designed keeping aesthetics and contemporary trends in mind. Owing to its toughness and low maintenance, Duracast is ideal for large projects and independent homes and offices. Duracast can be used for both interior and exterior wall surfaces.

Duracast is available in a variety of designs

. The widely used Horizontal Scratch, Vertical Scratch, Cross Scratch, Swirl, Bubble, and Bubble Head Cut.

. The Unique Finetex Honeycomb, Cane Weave, Ripples and Spring Time.

. And the Dholpurtex Stone, Brick and Brushing Effects.

They can be painted over with any desired shade in exterior products such as Apex, Apex Ultima or the highly durable Apex Ultima Protek.

For a preview of these designs, please feel free to contact us at :

Shree Venkateshwara Traders
712, Modi Hospital Road, West of Chord Road,
Mahalaxmipuram, Bangalore 560086

Ph : 9036092531
email :

Special Effect Paints for Interiors - Signature Walls

Royale Play Dune Swirl
Special effect paints or textures for interior walls add that personal touch and a feeling of belonging to a space, something that allows you to connect to your home, while at the same time leaving your unique signature on its walls. Special effect paints are best done by oneself, of course after some trials and learning the technique, as they are a type of art - a form of expression. They allow you to add your character to your living space. You can proudly say, this is my home.
Royale Play Safari
Asian Paints Royale Play is one such product which gives you the medium to express yourself. Royale Play offers you a variety of different finishes such as metallic, textile, iridescent, Italian Stucco, Dune, Safari and Classic. There are also a number of tools that can be used to create there effects. A tool can be used in any number of ways, limited only by your imagination, to create your effect. Royale Play is available in colour spectra shades and of course at our store, we are always here to help if you need a customised shade.
Royale Play Weaving

So, go ahead, Play!! And if you need anything, give us an opportunity to help you out. You can contact us at :
Shree Venkateshwara Traders
712, Modi Hospital Road, West of Chord Road,
Mahalaxmipuram, Bangalore 560086

Ph : 9036092531
email :

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Metallics finishes and paints

Metallic finish on Metal and Wood
A metallic finish brings a piece of dead furniture alive! It can shimmer with light in a million directions. The curves get accentuated and edges become more pronounced. A depth of tone and hue is achieved made
possible only using a metallic finish. Metallic Matte and Glossy finishes add a glow and accent to a dull environment.They add movement and motion to an otherwise static object.

Metallic finish on walls
Matte metallic finishes are understated, but speak volumes to the discerning. A surreal finish to really make your space take off. Glossy metallic finishes are definitely glamorous and add sparkle.

No matter on what surface you decide to apply a metallic finish, it will definitely not go unnoticed. Metallic finishes for walls, doors and metal fabrication are definitely In and are adding oomph where ever they go.

Go ahead bring your space alive!

To read a really great article on how to get a  metallic finish on a wall follow this link.

WD40 the all rounder for maintenance

WD40 or Water Displacement 40 is a lubricant and maintenance product, available in aerosol spray and pourable cans.

Safely cleans dirt and grease from hands

Can be used to clean tyres

Cleans stains on walls


Loosens stuck nuts and bolts

Lubricates and frees up squeaky hinges

Water Displacement protects battery terminals

It is an excellent product which can free up jammed mechanisms in seconds and also prevent further jamming caused by corrosion. Have no fear of jammed door locks, nut bolts, hinges etc. It not only frees up the mechanisms, it also lubricates them.

Due to its excellent water displacement and non-conductive capabilities, it can also be used to prevent short circuits due to water in circuit boards. Cause of this very feature, it is commonly used as a rust remover.

It can also be used to clean surfaces such as rubber and wall paints.

It uses a low flammable propellant and thus is safer to use than other competitive products.

Watch the video below for a full demo of the product

In Store now @ ShreeVenkateshwara Traders
712, Modi Hospital Road, West of Chord Road,
Mahalaxmipuram, Bangalore 560086
Ph: 9036092531

Shop @

Monday, 15 December 2014

Wall Scanners - Material Detectors

Have you ever inadvertently drilled holes into a plumbing pipe inside a wall and spent thousands on repairs and rework?
Drilled into a live cable !??!
Need to prove the existence of rods in concrete?
Need to detect wooden beams behind a partition?
Need to detect metal objects inside walls or concrete?
Need to detect plastic pipes inside walls?

Bosch Wall scanners 'D-tect 150' and 'D-tect 150 SV' are the perfect solution to your problem.They not only accurately detect the position and type of the material inside the wall, floor or ceiling, they also suggest a drilling depth.

Available in store now @
Shree Venkateshwara Traders
#712, Modi Hospital Road, WOC,
Mahalaxmipuram, Bangalore 560086

Ph : 9036092531
email :

Sunday, 7 December 2014

How to bond old and new concrete - Extending a concrete slab.

Renovating your construction? Need to extend your roof slab? Want to build a new balcony or chajja? You will need to extend an existing concrete slab. Old and new concrete are not exactly best of friends. Old and new concrete have to be bonded to create a water tight joint. Epoxy bonding agents are the ideal solution. Also new rods have to be anchored into the old concrete slab. To achieve this, polyester anchor grouts are the solution.

Materials Required
. Anchoring Grout
. Epoxy Bonding Agent
. Mason's tool kit
. Hammer drill and Bit
. Reinforcements Steel Rods
. Concrete Mix

. Chip the old concrete slab to expose reinforcement rods.
. Drill 12" deep holes the diameter of the steel rebars at regular intervals in the section of the exposed slab.
. Mix the polyester resin and filler powder of the anchoring grout and partially fill the holes.
. Push the rebars into the holes within 15 minutes of filling the holes and allow the grout to set.
. Mix the 2 part epoxy bonding agent and apply on the exposed concrete with a brush.
. Pour the new concrete within 45 minutes of applying the bonding agent.
. Allow the concrete and bonding agent to set.

We have a water tight new construction.

Products in store

Epoxy Bonding Agents

. Fosroc Nitobond EP

Polyester Anchoring Grout

. Fosroc Lokfix

In Store now at 
Shree Venkateshwara Traders
#712, Modi Hospital Road, WOC,
Mahalaxmipuram, Bangalore 560086

Ph: 9036092531
Email :

A Comparison of Europa Door Lock and Godrej Ultra Tribolt Door Lock

Godrej Tribolt with Auto Latch

Europa Door Lock

A comparison of 2 similar and popular main door locks to put into perspective their convenience of use, safety and to help choose the better lock.

Locking Bolts
The Godrej Tribolt lock has 2 square locking bolts and 1 tower bolt. The locking bolts and tower bolt can be locked from within your home, but form outside, only the locking bolts can locked and the tower bolt cannot be locked. Leading to reduced safety.

Europa Door lock has 3 round locking bolts which are lockable from within you home and also from outside. Giving you the highest security at all times.

The Europa Door Lock is more secure.

Both locks have 4 dimple keys. The Europa Lock has a key with a torch for use in low light.

The Europa door lock has a strong thick Receptacle and a flange with four screws.The Godrej Tribolt has a strong thick Receptacle and a flange with five screws.

The Godrej Receptacle is slightly stronger.

Knob Lock
The Europa Door Lock has a unique Lockable Knob, which allows operation of the lock without a key from inside the house. The key is only needed to lock or unlock the knob and not the lock itself.
The Godrej Tribolt has a single stroke, making it difficult for aged or young people to operate.

The Europa Door Lock has a double smooth stroke, making it easy to operate.

The Europa lock is smoother to operate.

Auto Latch, Dead Lock
The Godrej Auto Latch Tribolt has no Dead Lock which can be used to disable the lock in case of loss of keys. No Dead Lock also means that there is no reliable mechanism to temporarily disable the auto latch feature. It instead has a ring on the latch handle which can be used to disable the auto latch.

The Europa Auto Latch Door Lock has a Dead Lock feature which can be used to disable the lock when ever the need is felt. It can also be used to temporarily disable the auto latch.

The Europa lock with its additional dead lock feature is more secure and convenient.

The Godrej Tribolt has no single point of use, as the knobs for the dead bolts, tower bolt and auto latch are all separate. To unlock, the user has to operate 3 different knobs.

The Europa Door Lock has a smartly designed knob which is a single point of operation for the lock.

The Europa Lock is much easier to use than the Godrej Tribolt.

Comparing the prices for both the locks, the Europa lock is at a more reasonable price point than the Godrej lock.

Free Installation
Both companies offer free installation by professional carpenters for wooden doors and door frames.

The Europa Door Lock's uncompromising safety, economy and convenience of use definitely outweigh the features of the Godrej Tribolt.

The Europa Door lock is the smart and secure choice for your Main Entrance Door.

To have a look at both locks, you can hop over to our store at :

Shree Venkateshwara Traders
#712, Modi Hospital Road, WOC,
Mahalaxmipuram, Bangalore 560086

ph: 9036092531
email :

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Waterproofing Liquid Admixtures

Water proofing liquid admixtures are usually water reducing agents or plasticisers which help the cement mortar or concrete to be pliable and dense.

Why use?
When the quantity of water is reduced, the resulting cured cement mixture is less porous and hence dense after the water has been absorbed by the cement or has evaporated. This greatly reduces capillary formation in the mixture which is the main cause of water absorbtion leading to leakage.

Dense concrete also does not allow atmospheric gases such as sulhpur-dioxide, carbon-dioxide and chlorides to be absorbed by the structure thus preventing carbonation and corrosion of steel rebars. Corroded rebars not only lose strength, but also increase in volume (rust takes up almost 10 times more volume than steel) and lead to cracks in concrete and eventually spalling. (See this article for repairs of spalled concrete)

Admixtures also improve workability of the mixture. Concrete can be cast easily, without leaving voids, due to better fluidity. Plaster shows lower rebound loss, when it is thrown onto walls and ceilings due to better adhesion. Increased cohesive property of concrete / mortars eliminates segregation and bleeding.

They also reduce shrinkage cracks in concrete and plasters

A small quantity of inexpensive admixtures go a long way in improving the performance of your cement mixtures. An investment worth every rupee.

. Add the recommended dosage of admixture to the water for the mixture and mix thoroughly. Excess dosage can lead to reduction in strength of cement mixture.
. Ideally water must not exceed 28ltr per 50kg bag of cement.
. Add the water to the cement mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Available products

. Sikacim

. Dosage 100ml per 50Kg Bag of cement.

. Asian Paints Vitalia

. Dosage 100ml per 50Kg Bag of cement. 

. Dr Fixit LW+

. Dosage 200ml per 50Kg Bag of cement.

In Store now at 
Shree Venkateshwara Traders
#712, Modi Hospital Road, West of Chord Road
Mahalaxmipuram, Bangalore 560086

email :
phone : 9036092531 (Namit Bhulani)

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

How to remove Stains from Marble, Granite & other Natural Stones

Wine stains in Marble

Tea, coffee, rust etc staining your stone? Expensive marble, granite and exotic stones stained with oil and water? Concrete and plaster fallen on your natural stone or tile? Not able to remove the stains? Well here is the perfect solution to your problems.

Oil Stain in Granite
Tea Stain on Marble

Akemi Stone Cleaner

Used for thoroughly removing building dirt. Removes :

. coats of stone polish and wax,
. slight concrete films,
. oil and grease,
. soot and tar,
. the remains of synthetic paints,
. plaster

on all natural and artificial stone such as marble, travertine, terrazzo, granite, brick and cotto slabs, tiles, fair faced concrete and fine stoneware.

The product is weakly alkaline containing biodegradable tensides (detergents) and solvents and is free from phosphates, acids and lyes (NaOH Sodium Hydroxide) i.e. is it neither acidic nor strongly alkaline. After hardening, the product is harmless to health and is certified food grade by a German testing institute.

How do I clean my stones and tiles?

Materials Required
. Stone Cleaner.
. Gloves
. Safety Glasses
. Scrubbing pad - 3M Scotch Brite or 3M Hand Pads
. Scrubbing brush.
. Wiper 
. Sponge for soaking up excess water and dirt.
. Rags or Cotton waste

. Wear the safety equipment.
. Depending on the degree of dirt, dilute the stone cleaner with water in the ratio of 1:1 to 1:500 and apply to the stone or tile surface.
. Allow the cleaner to work for 10-20 minutes.
. For Deep Cleaning, use a scrubbing pad or brush.
. Rinse thoroughly with water and wipe away the excess water and dirt using a wiper and sponge.

We have clean and fresh looking stone.. as good as new!

Consumption: approx. 10-20 m²/liter (undiluted)

Do not apply on materials that are not resistant to solvents. Apply on a small inconspicuous area to test before use.

Akemi Stone Cleaner available in store now @
Shree Venkateshwara Traders
712, Modi Hospital Road, WOC,
Mahalaxmipuram, Bangalore 560086
Ph : 9036092531
email :

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Paints for External Wall Surfaces - Exterior Emulsion Paints

How can we protect our external masonry walls?

Painting not only decorates your walls, it also protects it from the elements. Paints prevent fungal and algal formation on bricks and plaster. Certain paints also have properties such as dust pickup reduction, heat reflection, crack bridging abilities etc. A whole spectrum of colours is available, giving you unlimited choice.

Cladding walls with stone or tiles. It is more expensive than paints, but gives great aesthetics. Stone and tiles used for cladding also require protection and periodic maintenance. A number of chemicals and coatings are available for this purpose.

Out of the above methods, paint is the popular and economical choice. Quality paints when used in the right shade and colour combination give excellent results and outstanding aesthetics.

Things to consider when choosing paints for your external walls
1. Ensure the surface to be painted is completely finished and free from dirt, grease and organic growth. A bio-wash such as bleaching powder dissolved in water can be used to clean organic growth such as algae and fungi.
2. To make sure no further organic growth is possible, a cement surface sealer is recommended.
3. Any major masonry repairs (defects such as broken plaster or spalled concrete, large gaps etc.) must be taken up using suitable bonding agents before painting.
4. For new or previously painted walls, it is very important to ensure proper priming of the surface for paint. Exterior wall primers give a sound substrate for the top/finish coat paint to adhere to. Primers add not only life to the paint, but also give a smooth paintable surface, thus enhancing the coverage of the top coat paint.

5. Any cracks and dents must be repaired using suitable crack fillers and leveling agents.
6. Choose a quality paint that gives you a lasting finish and provides good protection to your walls for a long period. Repeated cycles of painting employing labour are not only expensive but also time consuming and cause great inconvenience. Low quality paints result in frequent maintenance and higher overall costs.

Paints to choose from 

Asian Paints Ace

Asian Paints Ace

Asian Paints Apex

Asian Paints Apex


Asian Paints Apex Ultima
Asian Paints Apex Ultima

Asian Paints Apex Ultima Protek

Asian Paints Apex Ultima Protek

Asian Paints SmartCare Bio-Block

. Stops organic growth (algal/fungal etc).
. Must be applied before primer. (1part Bio Block : 10parts water)
. Can also be applied by mixing with exterior wall primer in cases where there is no present organic growth, as a precaution against future organic growth. (1part Bio Block : 4parts water : 5parts Exterior Wall Primer)

Technical data sheets :

Asian Paints Ace

Asian Paints Apex

Asian Paints Apex Ultima 

Asian Paints Apex Ultima Protek

Asian Paints SmartCare Bio Block

All the above products are available in Standard Asian Paints Colour Spectra Shades

Also available in Customised Shades.

For more information, click here

Also, ask for our Colour Preview Service,

In Store Now :

Shree Venkateshwara Traders
712, Modi Hospital Road,
West of Chord Road, Mahalaxmipuram
Bangalore 560086


Ph: 9036092531